Cor-Loc® Installation Method
Is a simple solution to mounting a Lawn/Flush ground unit assembly to a granite marker. From underneath, the Cor-Loc® slides over the PVC canister and into the core hole of the marker, filling the gap between the PVC canister and granite. When wedged in, the Cor-Loc® acts as a compression, fitting securely fastening the ground unit to the granite marker. Quick, easy, and no messy epoxies.
Step 1
Disconnect and remove the vase from the In-Gound unit before installation. Position In-Ground unit in core hole.
Step 2
Place a piece of cardboard or carpet underneath to protect the face of the marker. Slide the Cor-Loc® over the In-Ground unit PVC canister and into the core hole.
Step 3
With a hammer, drive the Cor-Loc® securely into the gap between the PVC Canister and granite. Alternate strikes to keep the Cor-Loc® level. Continue to drive the Cor-Loc® in as far as possible.